Apply to Veterans’ House

How to Apply for Housing


  1. Served in the Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP
  2. Low income
  3. Benefit from living in a veterans-only community living environment


  1. Identify Veteran
  2. Fill in The Registry Form: Available in hard copies or found at Housing Registry of Ottawa, supportive housing, RGI housing
    • Proof of Canadian residency and proof of income must be attached to the initial Registry application when it is sent to us
  3. When filling out the Registry form, be sure to select “Veterans’ House: The Andy Carswell Building” from the “Supportive Housing Provider” list found in Section 9 of the form. Submit the form to the Registry in person, or through the mail using the address below:

    The Social Housing Registry of Ottawa:
    2197 Riverside Dr., 5th Floor
    Ottawa, Ontario
    K1H 1A9
  4. Once the Registry form is submitted you need a Veterans House Form B. This is available in hard copy through mail or can be downloaded here.
  5. Submit Veterans House Form B via mail with your Registry Form to the Registry, or attach via email to VHC by clicking the button below.

    Submit Application


For any questions please contact:

The Social Housing Registry of Ottawa:
2197 Riverside Dr., 5th Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1H 1A9
T. (613) 526-2088

Veterans’ House Canada:
T. (613) 502-0136

Andy Carswell Building. (343) 984-4703