Our Mission

Helping homeless veterans build a better future by providing permanent, affordable and supportive housing

Veterans’ House Canada will provide a unique veterans-only setting. Residents can live within a supportive community of former military peers that includes all the support, counseling and peer mentoring that residents may need to mitigate the causes of their homelessness and to thrive as they reintegrate into the wider community.


Provide stable and permanent housing for homeless veterans


Engage with on-site employment program

Mental Health

Provide support programs for the treatment of mental health, health and addiction-related issues, as well as transition-related challenges


Assist in restoring overall quality of life, including helping to repair fractured family relationships

Veterans’ House: the Andy Carswell Building, Ottawa

Veterans’ House Canada started off as a project of Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) – an affordable housing provider based in Ottawa. Veterans’ House: the Andy Carswell Building was opened in February  2021, having received broad support from the community, including groups from the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Unitarian, Baha’i and other faith communities across the city.

In 2020, Veterans’ House Canada was federally incorporated as a non-profit organization that provides permanent and supportive housing to homeless veterans in Canada. Our vision is to offer a long-term solution to help reduce chronic homelessness and build a better future for our veterans. We are the only organization offering permanent and supportive housing for homeless veterans anywhere across Canada.