Veterans’ House Canada wishes to thank the following individuals and organizations for their particularly generous financial support. Hundreds of generous individuals and organizations supported our fundraising campaign to build the first Veterans’ House: the Andy Carswell Building, Canso Campus in Ottawa. Without their support, it simply would not be possible.

Carswell Family

The Carswell Family have long been supporters of homeless veterans. A short three years after their initial site visit in 2016, the Carswells attended the cornerstone ceremony in 2019. Where Andy Carswell, for whom the home is named, laid the foundation for this and all Veterans’ Houses to come.

Canso Investment Counsel Ltd.

Lysander Funds Unlimited

Grip Investment Limited

Commissionaires Ottawa


Anonymous Donor through the Ottawa Community Foundation

The Legion National Foundation

The Governor General’s Foot Guards Regimental Association

Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services

Five B Family Foundation

Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council (United We Stand Campaign)

True Patriot Love Foundation

CORCAN (Correctional Canada)

Danbe Foundation

The Boeing Company

Bank of Montreal

Ina Grafton Gage Trust Fund (Seeds of Hope Grant)

The David Loeb Foundation

Haycore Canada Inc.

Helmets to Hardhats

Gastops Ltd.

William and Julie Austin

Neil and Louise Raynor

McDonald Brothers Construction

Vernon and Desna Sulway

HALO Fund (Minto Foundation)

Emmanuel United Church

Jamie Benidickson

Canadian Forces Chaplain School and Centre

Hobin Architecture Inc.

Edward Bronfman Memorial Legacy Fund (in honour of Herschel Bronfman)

Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command District B

Clarke and Ellie Topp

Sherill Besser and Morris Rosenberg

Naval Association of Canada

Paul Baiden (Cold War Veterans)

Francoise Gagnon

Our Partners

Thank you partners

We wish to acknowledge the pivotal roles that our partners have played to make our first Veterans’ House a reality. Veterans’ House Canada recognizes the special relationship that these organizations have with veterans and wishes to thank them all for their important contribution to the project.

The Government of Canada

The Province of Ontario

The City of Ottawa

Veterans Affairs Canada

The Royal Canadian Legion

The Governor General Foot Guards

Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services

Soldiers Helping Soldiers